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Never again without BORGinsole!

We’ve been working with BORGinsole since starting up our practice in 2010. It was a logical choice after I’d followed a highly instructive traineeship with Paul and Gratienne in which I learned so much in a wide range of areas. The growth of our practice is certainly also due in part to BORGinsole – they put in a good word wherever they can. For us it’s a major added value that we can outsource the design and production. As a result, we have more time for patients, and a better balance between the practice and family life. The designers know us and understand what we mean when we express certain specific wishes. An adaptation is never a problem. Thanks to the fast and correct service the soles can be delivered to the patients within a week. The company’s own innovativeness makes it easier for us to remain informed about all new developments in the field. When there are questions or problems, everyone is immediately prepared to help us out! We couldn´t do without BORGinsole any longer - nor would we want to! :)
