
What reports can you receive?

“Use foot axes for total body alignment”: by better coordinating movement chains with one another, with a sole, with an osteopathic or physical therapy treatment, we will make people better. This with less stress, complaints and/or better functioning as a result. But is the result of our therapy always correct? Do we always obtain precisely the effect we want? The G-Walk sensor can accurately and quickly register these parameters at the level of the pelvis. A useful tool for every therapist interested in his treatment plan.

The duration of each step and averages, but also duration and averages per phase of the walking cycle can be read off. A general symmetry index gives an image of dynamic stability at a glance.

The acceleration with which one pushes off is immediately correlated with the stability of the push-off. With BORGinsoles this is highly influenceable and with BTS G-Walk thus also well-recorded and measured.

Clear diagrams, and pelvic tilt, drop and rotation tables are captured in images for left and right as averages of the entire gait analysis.