Portable impression system

The BorgiMobi is an easy to use, portable 3D impression system weighing just 2.5 kg! Thanks to this convenient system, you can scan with your own iPad and Structure Sensor. Uploading scan files is easily done with the podoCLOUD and you can subsequently develop the insole all by yourself by using the 3D Sole App!

Just one system for multiple practices

The BorgiMobi is the ultimate solution for you if you are managing different practices. To find out more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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BorgiMobi in the Webshop 

BorgiMobi V2
Borgimobi App

BorgiMobi App

The BorgiMobi app is available for free in the App Store. With this app, you can easily link your scans to an order in the podoCLOUD by using a QR code. Our manual explains in great detail how this works.